Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama orders review of cybersecurity

President Obama ordered a 60-day review of our nation's cybersecurity Monday. Obama appointed former Bush administration aide, Melissa Hathaway, to head the cybersecurity review effort. Obama wants everything looked at to prevent an attack on our cyber infrastructure. Obama criticized former President George W. Bush's efforts on protecting this information. Obama's aides have looked at this proposal and some think he should keep his pledge for a czar, other think it should go to the Homeland Security Department. A senior administrations official would not say whether or not a cyber czar would be permanent after the review. Hathaway's review will include everything that has been done and ways to improve what we are doing now. 

I think that having a review on our nation's nation cybersecurity is a great idea. President Obama compared the cyber threats we received during the Bush administration to nuclear and/or biological threats. This is not a good thing. We should not be having the same amount of threats to our cyber world as with nuclear weapons. It would be chaos if someone could log onto a computer and shut down an entire country with one click of a button. That would be terrible. I think it would be a very good idea to continue with reviewing and definitely improving our nation's security. If we cannot improve our security, what can we improve? If we are not safe from the worry of an attack, how could we live our lives? We should not have to worry about our information on passports, taxes, or anything in the nature every time we fill out a form for the government. That is just something that we as Americans should not have to worry about. It should be a guaranteed right to not have our information read or used against us when it comes to our government asking for it. I believe President Obama has a very good idea when it comes to reviewing our nation's cybersecurity. 

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