Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saudi judge: It's OK to slap spendthrift wives

Recently, Judge Hamad Al-Razine, from Saudi Arabia, stated, "if a person gives SR 1,200 [$320] to his wife and she spends 900 riyals [$240] to purchase an abaya [the black cover that women in Saudi Arabia must wear] from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment." The women in the court house heard this and were outraged. They were shocked to hear this from a judge. Arab News said that Al-Razine was trying to state the reason for domestic violence in Saudi Arabia. He said that women and men shared their responsibilities, but added that "nobody puts even a fraction of blame" on women, Arab News said. Al-Razine "also pointed out that women's indecent behavior and use of offensive words against their husbands were some of the reasons for domestic violence in the country," it added. Saudi women's rights activist Wajeha Al-Huwaider told CNN, "This is how men in Saudi Arabia see women. It's not something they read in a book or learned from a friend. They've been raised to see women this way, that they're less than a person."

I believe that this Judge said some things that were very ignorant. I think that these men have been brought up to see women as someone that is not a person. I cannot believe that countries still have these beliefs. I do not understand this custom because I was not brought up in this way. I do not understand how someone can even believe this. I know how you are brought up, is how you are going to act when you do grow up, but I still do not undersatnd. How can you look at someone that is just a different gender than you and believe that you are better than them, just because of that difference between you? Sexist beliefs that this should not be practiced, I believe. It is just something that I feel is completely wrong. You cannot be better than someone else just because you may be a different gender. I feel that this judge was completely out of line when he made this comment and ruling. I thought that if you were a judge you were supposed to have an unbiased opinion and that you were just supposed to rule on justice and what is right and wrong. It seems to me that this judge had already made up his mind on who he was going to side with before he even started this case. I think it is wrong that this judge made such a sexist comment, and that he should not have made his ruling on his opinions but on justice instead.

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