Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ex-soldier apologizes to Iraqi family for raping, killing

Ex-solider, Steven Green, apologized to the family he hurt while a soldier in Iraq. He had raped a 14-year-old girl and killed her, killed her parents and 6-year-old brother while in Iraq. He was discharged from the army as soon as the crimes surfaced, so he was charged in a civilian court in Kentucky. The jury could not unanimously decide on the death penalty so as law states the judge charged him with life in prison without the possibility of parole. The Iraq family members of the family the Green killed did not accept his apology. They refused. Green said, "you wish I was dead, and I do not hold that against you. If I was in your place, I am convinced beyond any doubt that I would feel the same way. I know that I have done evil, and I fear that the wrath of the Lord will come upon me on that day. But, I hope that you and your family at least can find some comfort in God's justice." Green was one of the five soldiers in the 101st Airborne Division that has been charged with crimes and a subsequent cover-up.

I think that this is disgusting. I completely agree with Amanda on this one. The family should not have accepted his apology. There is absolutely nothing that he can do to make them forgive him, especially not just by saying he's sorry. Yes, he can not really do anything to make the family members come back and to take away his actions, but they should not have to accept his apology for that. He brutally murdered an entire family! That is just something I do not understand, how can people do those types of things? I supposed that the war got to him and made him crazy, but who knows? I'm not going to make up excuses for him. He definitely does not deserve it, that is for sure. I believe that he got the sentence he deserved. Two wrongs does not make a right, like Amanda said. Just because he killed that family does not mean that he should be killed as well. What good does that do? He will have never learned from his mistakes and will just be gone. No good will have been done. He deserves to sit in prison for the rest of his life and to think about all the terrible things he has brought onto that poor family.

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