Wednesday, January 20, 2010

John Edwards admits he fathered child with mistress

John Edwards is finally admitting that he infact is the father of Rielle Hunter's daughter, Quinn. During his previous run for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination he denied his fathering to Ms. Hunter's new born. He did however admitt his affair with Ms. Hunter. He claimed at the time that his affair ended before Ms. Hunter became pregnant. During the campaign, Ms. Hunter was paid $114,000 to travel with Edward's entourage. When Ms. Hunter gave birth in 2008, Edward's denied fathering this child for over a year. Now, he is admitting it. "'I am Quinn's father,' his statement said. 'I have been able to spend time with her during the past year and trust that future efforts to show her the love and affection she deserves can be done privately and in peace.'"

Apparently, for politicians it's ok to deny your child, and then go change your mind and claim them back. It's ok to lie and pay off the woman involved in the scandal. It's ok to cheat on your wife. Why is it that almost everytime you hear about a scandal, it involves some sort of person in power, for example, politicians. I feel that it is extremely dishonorable for Edwards to not only deny the child as his own, but to have the long term affair in the first place! What gives him the right to cheat on his wife and then deny it. So, now that time has past and he has 'decided' it's 'ok' to admit his involvment and the fact that he fathered a child with this women, now he says that that child will get 'the love and affection she deserves'. How would you feel if your father denied involvment with your mother, and then later admitted it, and then later denied the fact that he was your father, and then later admits it! What type of childhood will this poor girl grow up in? Who will save her from the affects of everyone knowing this scandal and telling her about it all her life? Who will help her? John Edwards sure isn't going to help much, considering he is the main problem with this scandal.

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