Monday, March 16, 2009

Robert Gibbs takes verbal slap at Cheney

This article is about President Obama's Press Secretary, Robery Gibbs, and his comment about former Vice President Dick Cheney. Gibbs said a sarcastic statement about Cheney on Monday during a Press Conference on terrorism. "Well, I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy, so they trotted out the next most popular member of the Republican cabal," Gibbs said. Gibbs said this after Cheney had said that President Obama's policies had made the country not as safe as before. Gibbs also said that he thought President Obama was doing a great job keeping the country safe and secure. Cheney came back and Gibbs by saying, "I think those programs were absolutely essential to the success we enjoy, of being able to collect the intelligence that let us defeat all further attempts to launch attacks against the United States since 9/11," defending the Bush administration.

I think it is sort of funny that there is a little bit of political drama/sarcasm going on in the White House these days. It lightens the mood during such rough economic and other times of our country. I think that people shouldn't take comments like these so seriously when they are said. Sometimes, they are said in good natured humor, not to acutally insult the person they are said about. Such nonsense is not really news. It's just another silly thing that the press can obsess about for a few days before someone else says something silly or something that makes them look ignorant that they can report on, until the next big thing comes in. I don't really think that it matters the Gibbs was just making a little sarcastic comment after Cheney insulted the Obama administration. Gibbs was just trying to counter act what Cheney had said to make Cheney look bad. I don't believe that we should be wasting our time reporting on things that are not really important. Yes, it's fun to see who is making a fool of themselves these days, but we should be reporting on more important issues, like iraq, and they economy.

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