Sunday, March 8, 2009

Source: Mullen offers Obama update on Mexico

President Obama was briefed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen Saturday about the recent drug wars in Mexico. President Obama is interested in how the United States can help out in Mexico. President Obama was interested in what way that we can possibly use our military forces to help Mexico out. Mullen briefed obama on how we can possibly help Mexico with our intelligence on fighting terrorism. Mullen has stated that Mexico could possibly borrow from us our intelligence and equipment to help them fight these drug wars that are affecting their country.

I believe that we should try and help Mexico in their time of need during these drug wars. I do not believe that we should send any type of military help other than intelligence and information. We do not need to be losing our family members in another country that does not want us there in the first place. Mexico is not threatening our way of life so there would be no need to send any type of military action on them. Yes, we should try and help Mexico officials in stopping the drug wars because of the thousands of Americans that travel on vacation to Mexico each and every year. We do not want any one from our country being caught in the middle of some fight between drug gang leaders and losing their lives over just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. We should not get into another war like in the middle east to try and stop these drug wars, but we should try and share our intelligence on fighting terrorism with the Mexican government so that we can travel to our favorite Mexican cities and not feel like our lives are being threatened by these drug gangs fights. We should be able to travel safely and not being worried.

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