Sunday, February 21, 2010

2 U.S. Army pilots killed in Iraq helicopter accident

On Sunday, there was a military helicopter accident that ended up killing two U.S. Army pilots. The aircraft has said to have made a hard landing inside Contingency Operating Base Speicher in northern Iraq. It has also been said that no enemy forces or hostile fire was present in the accident. The names of the pilots have been withheld due to family notification. These soldiers were assigned to Task Force Marne, which takes care of operations in northern Iraq. The location of the base is also being withheld.

I feel very sorry for the families of soldiers that were killed in this tragic accident. I would not like to hear about this accident over the news and then later find out that it was your family member that was killed in the crash. It is very unfortunate that this had to happen to these brave persons that are fighting for our country. I am proud of our military for putting up with all of the attacks and stress they have to go through everyday to keep our country safe from harm. I am also very proud of every military family that has to go through the stress and worry that is involved with having a service member in the family. I hope that these two soldiers will be remembered for what they were doing to keep us safe and that their actions will never be forgotten.

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