Friday, March 26, 2010

House passes Senate's health care 'fixes' bill

So the House of Representatives passed a little bit different bill than the Senate passed initially on Thursday night. So this "fixes" bill was sent back to the Senate and was approved by a 220-207 vote. And now the healthcare bill put into law once Obama signs it. Democrats are very happy with this bill being passed because they have been working on a bill like this for almost a century. Republicans are not so happy as the Democrats because they've been fighting against a bill like this for the same amount of time.

I personally do not like the bill. It has things that do not even apply to healthcare that are now going to be regulated. For example, student loans. In what universe are student loans and healthcare related? Why is it okay for politicians to make under the table deals in order to pass bills into law? I have also heard that there is 100 million dollars going to some hospital so that a representative would change their vote from no to yes, all because the Democrats feel that this bill is the right way to go to "help" the American people. I personally do not like the bill. They try to make it sound good by telling us young adults we can stay on our parents' insurance until we are 26 and all of the other "good" things about this bill. But really we are going to be paying for it and it will just make our social security and medicare disappear even fast than they already are. I do not agree with Obama and the Democrats that this is a monumental advancement. I feel that this is taking away our freedoms and it shouldn't have passed in the first place. Get out of Washington.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Volcano erupts in Iceland; hundreds evacuated

A volcano erupted in Iceland Sunday. More than 600 people were evacuated to a safer area as scientists monitored the fissure where lava was erupting. It was a volcano that had erupted for the first time since 1821 that was underneath the Eyjafjallajokull glacier. The fissure measured 1,620 to 3,281 feet. Even though the eruption was in a remote area, if the eruption moves further towards the glacier it could cause dangerous flooding. The Eyjafjallajokull glacier is about 100 miles from the capital of Iceland.

I think volcanoes themselves are pretty amazing. I do not feel that people having to be moved from their homes and put on watch for major flooding is very amazing. I'm glad that scientists were monitoring this eruption and got people out of there in a safe amount of time. I hope that their homes are going to be safe as well. At least they can rebuild homes, you can't however bring someone back from the dead if they got trapped from the volcano. I also hope that no one becomes injured or trapped from the possible flooding that could also occur with this eruption. Hopefully scientists can monitor this and keep people safe.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Teacher-student sex 'never the kid's fault'

33-year-old Amy Beck has reported herself to the authorities because of the guilt she has been carrying after she had an inappropriate sexual relations with a 14-year-old student. Amy Beck was a 6th-grade teacher in Burbank, California. She has now resigned and is currently being held in the jail. She is being charged with 4 counts of sex with a person under 16, and 1 count of oral copulation. She is married to a police officer with three children and has been teaching for ten years. Her arraignment was supposed to be held on Wednesday but has been postponed until March 25.

I think this is quite disturbing. How can a teacher let themselves be put in that situation? I cannot believe that this 33-year-old mother of 3 could do such a grotesque action. How can you allow yourself to have sexual intercourse with someone that is 19-years younger than you. She is an adult and this poor child was being taken advantage of. He didn't know that it was wrong. He just knew that it was pleasurable. She should have never let this happen. Now, this poor child is going to be messed up for the rest of his life. He probably just thought that they were in a loving relationship. And now that this news has broke, he doesn't know what to think anymore. How can you mess with someone little kids head like this? I cannot believe what this world is coming to. Teachers should never let this type of situtations even occur that would spark something like this. They are they adults they should know better. This is disgusting.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Police: Couple nurtured virtual child while real baby starved

A toddler starved to death in South Korea because her parents were too busy escaping reality by taking care of a virtual child. At Prius Online, a 3-D game, you can raise a virtual baby, Anima, with supernatural powers that grow and increase as she does. The parents were only feeding their real premature daughter once a day between stretches of playing Prius Online at a local internet cafe.

I feel that this is a ridiculous excuse for killing your baby. How can you forget about your living, breathing child? This is one of the most unbelievable things I have ever heard! I just cannot believe how someone can actually forget about a living person. These parents had lost their jobs and were trying to escape but that does not give them any reason to only feed their baby once a day between silly game stretches. I hope that these people are put in jail or at least something like this. I cannot believe that someone can forget about their child like this. This is one of the worst cases of child abuse I have ever heard of. They killed their own child for goodness sake!