Friday, March 26, 2010

House passes Senate's health care 'fixes' bill

So the House of Representatives passed a little bit different bill than the Senate passed initially on Thursday night. So this "fixes" bill was sent back to the Senate and was approved by a 220-207 vote. And now the healthcare bill put into law once Obama signs it. Democrats are very happy with this bill being passed because they have been working on a bill like this for almost a century. Republicans are not so happy as the Democrats because they've been fighting against a bill like this for the same amount of time.

I personally do not like the bill. It has things that do not even apply to healthcare that are now going to be regulated. For example, student loans. In what universe are student loans and healthcare related? Why is it okay for politicians to make under the table deals in order to pass bills into law? I have also heard that there is 100 million dollars going to some hospital so that a representative would change their vote from no to yes, all because the Democrats feel that this bill is the right way to go to "help" the American people. I personally do not like the bill. They try to make it sound good by telling us young adults we can stay on our parents' insurance until we are 26 and all of the other "good" things about this bill. But really we are going to be paying for it and it will just make our social security and medicare disappear even fast than they already are. I do not agree with Obama and the Democrats that this is a monumental advancement. I feel that this is taking away our freedoms and it shouldn't have passed in the first place. Get out of Washington.

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